Category Archives: 55 Fiction

Day 7: Addicted


Reni could not keep her eyes open any longer. Sleep was looming over her pile of urgent work. She could only go on if she had it.

She was addicted to it, it was her life.

But then, everything she had feared, had come true.

The coffee flask was Empty… The coffee pods were Out of Stock…

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Filed under 55 Fiction, Project 365

Day 5: Zapped!


Aarthi looked at the door for a while. Opening it wasn’t going to be easy in this weather.
It wasn’t going to kill her, but she still could not do it.
She tapped quickly on the metal bar hoping it would fix it.
A faint jolt of static plunged through her body.
She had been Zapped!


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Filed under 55 Fiction, Project 365

Day 4: The Destroyer

The Destroyer

It was taking shape, he was finally making progress. He’d spent a lot of time on it. Unbeknownst to him, there was someone else interested too. Just as he turned to pick a piece from the floor, the little figure tore it down and sat there giggling. He cried:

“Mom… Siddu destroyed my Lego building again….”
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Filed under 55 Fiction, Project 365

Day 1: 55F – A New Beginning

55F – A New Beginning

He stood there for a while, staring at all the others staring back at him. It had been a while since he was there; since they were there. He looked around to find an empty spot, but he knew it would be tough on the first day of the year. Resolutions usually broke by Mid-January.

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Filed under 55 Fiction, Project 365

55F: The Consent

He couldn’t do it. What would she think of him? Years of love and trust could be destroyed by a piece of paper. But then it was ‘their’ order and he had no choice. He fought his fears, wiped off the nervous sweat, and finally approached her.


“Can you sign my School Progress-Report?”



Filed under 55 Fiction


KING This post is published as an entry for the KING AND QUEEN OF 55F CONTEST – The first ever unique, challenge for the coveted title in micro fiction category. To catch the crowning moments and also be part of future editions and other contests, visit and register at Cafe GingerChai


Promise 1

Hey Beautiful…” he winked at her. She just couldn’t help smiling.
Those beautiful dimples of hers, behind that careless lock of hair caressing her face could make any guy fall in love. Sunil was no exception.
Do you love me?” she asked.
More than my life, Aarthi…” he promised with a peck on her cheeks.


Promise 3

Time had moved on, and so had Sunil.
Hey Gorgeous…” he winked at her. She just couldn’t help smiling.
You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” he hugged her tight.
She smiled shyly and asked him, “Do you love me?
More than my life, Shrishti…” he promised with a peck on her cheeks.


Promise 2

It was 1 AM when the Doctor met Sunil.
We did everything we could, but the bleeding wouldn’t stop.
Aarthi was going to die.” he was told.
She held his hands, tears in her eyes, and made him promise.
He was going to love their new born more than his life.
They named her – Shrishti…




P.S: This post was judged as the top post in the contest, and has helped crown Yours Truly, as the King of 55F. 😉


Filed under 55 Fiction, Romance

Up & Above

KING This post is published as an entry for the KING AND QUEEN OF 55F CONTEST – The first ever unique, challenge for the coveted title in micro fiction category. To catch the crowning moments and also be part of future editions and other contests, visit and register at Cafe GingerChai


Up & Above

Yayyy… They shouted, trying to match the thundering roar above them…

Kids clapped their hands in glee as they saw the smoke making all strange shapes like a careless child’s crayon on a blue canvas. “Isn’t it beautiful?” a few eager mom’s asked their awestruck toddlers, who just could not stop watching them and nodding.


Kids screamed for their lives, while their mothers tried to find them a safe harbor. With hope in their heart and a prayer on their lips, they just hoped that this wouldn’t be that rain of fire that was to burn them alive.

Vrooom… They thundered past overhead like bullets piercing the blue sky…


Yayyy… They shouted, trying to match the thundering roar above them…

The military jets zipped past the home air-space much to the delight of people waving from below.

They entered enemy territory and had to bomb a target, near a civilian colony.

Vrooom… They thundered past like bullets piercing the blue sky…

It was War…



Filed under 55 Fiction, Current Affairs, General, Uncategorized

55 Fiction: The Feast

Hungry? Almost done son. Be there in 5 mins.” Raj hung up.
The Hyderabadi Biryani, Romali Roti and Malai Kofta gravy were ready. A dash of cashew over the Kheer and he was done.
Tell master that lunch is ready.” Raj told the butler before he grabbed a packet of bread and dashed towards the Cook’s quarters.


Also published on N-Zine at


Filed under 55 Fiction

55 Fiction: Criminal

He walked towards her with a knife’s blade gleaming in his hand. She grew numb, she wasn’t going to let him do it without a fight. She kicked him hard. He dodged it easily. He pushed her down, and the knife pierced the flesh. She screamed “Mom… Suri’s eating my share of the chicken again.”


Also published on N-Zine at


Filed under 55 Fiction

My Experiments with 55 Fiction

55 Fiction is truly a tough job. I struggle hard to keep a ‘Short Story’ within 3000 words, so you can imagine how hard it would be for me to fit a story within 55 words. 😀 But I tried a 55F for BPL, and based on the warm responses and absolutely wonderful encouragement I got from my fellow bloggers, I’ve written a few more.

55 Fiction

Here are 5 of some 55F that I’ve written recently. Hope you have fun.


The Criminal


Struggling with her bags and a baby in hand, she looked around for help. A fine gentleman helped lift the luggage and deposit them on the shelf of the train. “Be careful of thieves” he smiled an advise. She smiled and thanked him for his help… and for his wallet that was in her handbag.


The Alien


They had captured the Alien and were running experiments on it. It had a biological system similar to theirs and was trying to communicate something vocally. They brought in the Translation device.

“Where are you from?” the chief scientist’s voice shouted out of the translator.

The creature listened to it and only said – “Earth”.




She felt his icy cold breath at the back of her neck.

There was a sharp blade pressed against her throat.

She cried, begged for freedom.

“Don’t kill me please” she pleaded. His sinister thoughts were getting the better of him.

“CUT!!!”…the Director yelled, and it was all over… The film crew packed up…


Strange Love


“So where do you stay” Aarti’s chat message got Ranjith excited.

“Lets meet up tonight?” she continued.

Ranjith typed out an affirmation. “Internet Chats with complete strangers does have its plusses.” he mused.

Ranjith did not know 2 things.

One, his internet line was dead since morning. Two, Aarti was dead since 2 years.


The First Time


He breathed heavily. He didn’t want to do it, but he had no choice. He had practiced it hard a hundred times, but it still made him nervous. With no option left, and with a guilt laden heart, he committed his first crime. With trembling hands he put his Father’s initials in his Report Card.



Filed under 55 Fiction, Humor